PLANNING BOARD: In general, the position requires attendance at 2 meetings per month on Monday evenings (first and third) and an occasional special meeting as well as site inspections. All Board members are required to obtain 4 hours of training per year. The Planning Board oversees applications for subdivisions, site plans, Special Use Permits, signage and telecommunication towers, as well as updating the Town’s zoning ordinances.ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: In general, the positions requires attendance at 1 meeting per month (on the fourth Monday evening) and site inspections. All Board members are required to obtain 4 hours of training per year. The Zoning Board of Appeals oversees applications for area variances, use variances and interpretations. All applicants must be Pawling residents. If you have an interest in the community and the future quality of life in the Town of Pawling and are willing to obtain a working knowledge of the Town Comprehensive Plan, Town Code, State and Local environmental policies and zoning regulations, please consider applying! Board members must have the ability to make sound decisions. Interested candidates can submit their resume and any background information to Stephanie Giordano: or call 845-855-4464 with any questions.