Town Court
Please Note:
As of March 6, 2024 the Court Office will be closed to the public on Wednesdays.
Vehicle and Traffic Matters
Cases charging the commission of a traffic infraction within the town limits are filed in the Town of Pawling Justice Court. Information regarding how to proceed with a traffic ticket may be found on the back of the ticket issued to the motorist. If the motorist responds by pleading not guilty, the Court Clerk will schedule an appearance date for a pre-trial conference. This conference gives the motorist the opportunity to discuss the case with the Town prosecutor and, if the parties agree, to enter into a plea agreement subject to the approval of the court. If no plea agreement is agreed upon by the parties, a trial date will be scheduled. The court conducts non-jury or bench trials for vehicle and traffic infractions. If the motorist pleads guilty by mail, a letter will be issued that informs the motorist regarding the amount of the fine and surcharge, and payment procedures. Online Payments Accepted Here. Money orders, bank checks, or attorney check payments made out to “Pawling Town Court” may be sent directly to the court. No Personal Checks Accepted.
If you have a ticket and your appearance date to respond to the ticket has passed, you should mail in your ticket as described above. At this time, the court will not suspend your license if your plea is late.
Schedule Updates to Pawling Town Justice Court:
1. 5:30 pm is the official start time for BOTH vehicle and traffic and criminal calendars. This eliminates any confusion by the public, prosecutors, and defense attorneys.
Small Claims:
Small claims proceedings are intended to provide a low-cost, simplified, and informal procedure for individuals to resolve disputes involving limited monetary claims. Often individual litigants do not use an attorney for small claims matters, and are not required to do so.
The Court hears small claims cases up to a maximum amount of $3000 when the Defendant resides in, is employed in, or has a place of business within the Town. Individuals and sole proprietors of businesses may bring a suit against an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or assignee in Small Claims Court by filing a claim with the Court. There is a filing fee of $10 for claims up to $1000 and $15 for claims up to $3000. You may not file a claim in Small Claims Court for over $3000.
Small Claims Form and Guidance:
Helpful Links
Contact Us
Karyn Freder
Court Clerk
T. (845) 855-3516
F. (845) 855-7265
160 Charles Colman Blvd
Pawling, NY 12564
Honorable Gayle Zelazny
Town Justice
Honorable Kevin P. Irwin
Town Justice
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday – Closed to the Public
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Court Dates
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 – Honorable Kevin P. Irwin
at 5:30 PM – Honorable Gayle Zelazny